Guy Goblets

I’m creating what I’m calling “Guy Goblets”. They’re approximately 9”x7”x7”, earthenware clay. I’ll be submitting them for consideration to a juried show called “At Your Service”. The one you see here is waiting for the first firing; still pretty wet.

I’ve made sculptural work using clay, and this recent “Bag O’ Goodies” is the most sculptural I’ve gotten with a traditional vessel form. The goblet is my first attempt at a piece that can be used for food or drink. I thought about the “Dirty Little Business Man” right away. He has a stable base and a versatile personality. I made the figure and put a cup on top of his head; too “Carmen Miranda” and too tippy. I decided to put the cup onto his shoulders, which meant, of course, that his head would be inside of and at the bottom of the cup.

I’m just hoping that he won’t mind having wine poured over him.